Another Cheese Magnet Live-Tweeting Event!

In Movies by Scott0 Comments

ScottP here — me and Tanzi are doing another Cheese Magnet live-Tweeting event this Friday, May 20, at 9:00 PM PST! This time around we’ll be watching the drive-in classic H.O.T.S. (1979), featuring Pamela Jean Bryant, Susan Kiger, Lisa London, K.C. Winkler, Kimberly Cameron, Angela Aames and more stone ’70s foxes. As if that weren’t enough, H.O.T.S. also features Danny Bonaduce, the great Dick Bakalyan, a phony robot, and topless football!

The movie is on Netflix Streaming, so follow along if you can. We’ll fire it up at 9:00 PM PST more-or-less on the dot. Get on Twitter and follow @CheeseMagnet and @ScottPhillipsNM — and feel free to throw in your own comments, too! Be sure to use the #hots hashtag in your posts.

Liquor is recommended for this particular movie.

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