In JohnJosMiller by JohnJosMiller10 Comments

Pulp Cover Friday Presents:  DIME MYSTERY, THE LATE ’30S


Suddenly, things get funky.

Everyone has heard of the Yellow Peril, but Egyptian Peril, not so much.  Somebody in the editorial office must have had a massive fear of ancient Egyptians rising from their graves to snatch our women for whatever nefarious reason. (I couldn’t even use all of them, as much as I like images of ancient Egypt-like stuff).  Coffins (although they don’t disappear) are largely replaced by sarcophagi.  Weird menaces abound.  I mean really weird menaces.  Red underwear suddenly becomes very popular.  I can’t even began to figure what the heck is going on in the featured image, but definitely Ian Fleming was anticipated by about 25 years.

And yet — you haven’t seen anything, yet.  Next week, the 1940s, and the return of girls in glass.


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