In JohnJosMiller by JohnJosMiller6 Comments

Pulp Cover Friday On Sunday:  Close Enough For Government Work

The chaos here continues unabated, but at least the latest veternarian crisis has been averted and Mrs. Miggins is her old self.  I only wish I felt as good.

This week’s delayed entry will take a look at DIME MYSTERY, which was the first weird menace pulp.  It started out as a straight crime fiction ‘zine, but by 1933  it was developing into a “shudder pulp” mag, printing mostly bizarre, gruesome stories which largely had non-fantastic explanations behind them.  DIME DETECTIVE published 274 issues between 1931 and 1953.  The covers aren’t quite as wild as those on some of the other shudder pulps,   but many do have sort of a Spider-ish feel to them.  This installment takes us only midway through 1934, so it looks as if there is more worthwile material to be mined.

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