In Books, JohnJosMiller by JohnJosMiller4 Comments

Book Alert

I’m back after a difficult couple of weeks that saw the sudden passing of my father-in-law, Robert Gerstner. Before I get to the book alert, allow me to say a few words about Bob. His passing won’t be mentioned in the NY TIMES, but should not go without comment, because he was the kind of man who helped make America great. He served his country in two wars (World War II and Korea), and then worked hard all his life. He and his wife Dorothy raised four children whom they were proud of (a patent attorney, a teacher of deaf children, a Navy commander who won the bronze star while serving in Afghanistan, and a librarian whose most difficult task is to keep me steady on the road of life). Bob was a great amateur athlete who lettered in three sports in college (baseball, basketball, and soccer), but whose main love was softball. He played for over fifty years, only retiring after his legs wore out when he was in his eighties. In the early 2000s, his team won the Over-75 World Series. I’m not too sure that at first he fully approved of our marriage, but when he and Dorothy came to visit a few years into it and watched a doubleheader that I went 7-8 in while making an out in my last at bat, he said to me with a smile, “They finally got you out” (which was more than anyone in my family ever said about my athletic exploits) I felt as if I’d won the World Series single-handedly. Bob passed away in his sleep at the age of 87. Not a bad way to go. But it doesn’t make it any easier on us, or make us miss him less.

Now, onto to the book alert.

Fantom Press has reserved a minuscule 50 copies from their print run of pulp historian’s Will Murray’s WRITINGS IN BRONZE, for a special, obviously quite limited edition.  This hardcover book collects many of the fine article’s he’s written about Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze, over the years.  They’re selling  this extremely limited edition for a bargain  price of $51, including domestic shipping.  Profits from this volume go to help defray medical expenses for Doc Savage Bantam Books cover artist Bob Larkin and his wife.  Please consider helping out in this worthy effort.

If you’re at all interested in Doc Savage (and if you’re not, why not?), this book is a must.  You might want to check their website ( for other signed and limited goodies pertaining to the pulp field, all helping a fine artist and his family in their time of need.  Thanks.

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