The Great Bubonicon Round-Up

In Books, Movies, TV by Scott1 Comment

Another Bubonicon (#42, for those of you counting) has come and gone, and I think this is the best time I’ve ever had at the convention. I apparently didn’t embarrass myself too badly during the panel on writing original screenplays (although about 30 seconds in, I did spill a glass of water on my lap — and on fellow panelist Craig Butler), and I had a good time helping judge the costume contest (along with Guest of Honor Peter David, Shannon Jay, and my co-Scotts, Patricia Rogers and Bob Vardeman). I don’t even want to discuss the “lemonade,” other than to say that you can really get someone’s attention by starting a sentence with the words “I got fired from Barely Legal Magazine…”

So big thanks to Craig Chrissinger, Kristen Dorland, and everyone else who put together a great con. Here are just a few related links to tide you over until next year…

Mario Acevedo
Craig Butler
Nathan Carlisle
Sarah Clemens
Peter David
Andy Kuhn
Tim McClelland
Victor Milan
Richard Mueller
Melinda Snodgrass
Ian Tregillis
Bob Vardeman
Walter Jon Williams

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